A fisherman is a person
who earns his livelihood by catching and selling fishes. Generally a fisherman
lives by the rivers, big canals, marshy lands and seas for his professional
advantages. A fisherman lives with his family. He works hard all day and all
night. He is always busy in making his fishing nets, repairing them, taking
care of his fishing boat, dying and painting them. He passes most of his time
in fishing in the river and in the sea. Sometimes he goes in the deep sea for
fishing and his family becomes anxious about his safe return. He faces dangers.
He has no radio set and motor boats. He can not listen to the weather warning.
So he can not return to the shore safely. A fisherman leads a very poor life.
He has hardly nets and boats of his own. He is not given loans on easy terms.
His face beams with smile when he catches a lot of fish. A fisherman does much
good to us by supplying us with fish. So a fisherman plays an important role
like a farmer.
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